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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)
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military or naval service of the United States (or the State
of Maryland).

Date......................................................... day of „.................................................., in the



Military or Naval position or rank of


The card of instructions shall contain the following in-
structions, to wit:

Instructions to Voter.

(a) You are only entitled to vote if your absence in the
military or naval service of the United States or the State
of Maryland is directly attributable to the existence of
the circumstances which caused the suspension of any of
the general election laws. If your absence is not so caused
and you attempt to vote the enclosed ballot, you will be
liable to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars
($1, 000. 00), or imprisonment for not more than two (2)
years, or both.

(b) If you are entitled to vote, mark your ballot and seal
it in the "Ballot Envelope" in the presence of a witness
but in such manner as to prevent said witness, or anyone
else, from learning how you voted as to any candidate or

(c) The Witness must be a commissioned officer.

(d) After marking and enclosing ballot in the "Ballot
Envelope" and sealing said envelope, you must fill out and
sign "Voter's Certificate" on said envelope, and the witness
must date and sign the "Witness Certificate" on said enve-
lope, adding his position or rank.

(e) It is desirable that the "Ballot Envelope"'should con-
tain nothing but the ballot.

(f) Enclose the "Ballot Envelope" in "Return Envelope",
seal the "Return Envelope", affix the proper amount of
postage and then mail same.

(g) The ballot may be marked and mailed any time after
you receive it; provided it be marked on or before election
day, and mailed in time to arrive at its destination not
more than 7 days after election day. If not there by such
time, it will not be counted.

To the above directions should be added all such further
directions as the Supervisors of Elections shall deem neces-
sary in order to properly inform the voter of the correct
manner to mark and fold the ballot and to comply with
the provisions of this sub-title.


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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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