Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Alle-
gany County", sub-title "State's Attorney", be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
and that five new sections be and they are hereby added
to said Article, said new sections to be known as Sections
626A, 626B, 626C, 626D, and 626E, to follow immediately
after Section 626 of said Article, and all to read as follows:
62. 6. It shall be the duty of the State's Attorney for Al-
legany County to maintain a Bureau of Identification, and he
shall employ, subject to the approval of the County Com-
missioners of Allegany County, a competent man, to be
known as the County investigator, at a salary of two hun-
dred dollars a month, to conduct the work of this Bureau.
The County Commissioners of Allegany County are hereby
directed, authorized and empowered to pay such necessary
expenses for the maintenance of this Bureau, including rent,
as in their opinion are reasonable and consistent with a
proper conduct of the Bureau, and shall levy for the same,
including the salary of the County investigator, as expenses
of the State's Attorney's office. These bills must be pre-
sented direct to the County Commissioners, made out and
sworn to on the regular forms now in use by the County
Commissioners, and must be certified to by the State's At-
torney, and all false swearing in such reports and affidavits
shall be deemed perjury and punished as such.
626A. The State's Attorney for Allegany County is
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to appoint a
Law Assistant to said State's Attorney, at a compensation
of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars ($2, 400. 00) per annum,
to be paid by the County Commissioners of said county,
said salary to be paid monthly. The said Law Assistant,
who shall be a member of the Bar of the Court of Appeals
of Maryland, shall perform such work in said State's At-
torney's office and such other work as he may be directed
by the said State's Attorney in accordance with law; and,
before entering upon his duties, he shall execute a bond
to the State of Maryland for the faithful performance of
his duties in the penalty of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars
($2, 500. 00), to be approved by a judge or judges of the
Circuit Court for Allegany County; and the premium of
said bond shall be paid by the County Commissioners of
Allegany County, unless satisfactory personal bond can
be procured. The County Commissioners of Allegany
County are hereby directed, authorized and empowered
to pay the salary of said Law Assistant, and shall levy for
the same as expenses of the State's Attorney's office.