STATEMENT "B"—Continued
Loan and
Total Disb
Other Funds
Legislative................... e............................................
$ 7, 894. 58
$ 7, 894. 58
0. 01
120, 292. 11
$ 36, 049. 12
156, 341. 23
0. 25
805, 228. 74
554, 795. 08
1, 360, 023. 82
2. 24
Judiciary, Etc...........................................................
.... 459, 843. 57
52, 645. 19
512, 488. 76
0. 84
Protection of Persons and Property........................
716, 371. 11
509, 304, 75
1, 225, 675. 86
2. 02
Promotion of Agriculture.........................................
292, 606. 19
5, 520. 82
298, 127. 01
0. 49
Conservation of Health and Natural Resources.....
868, 933. 70
285, 982. 79
1, 154, 916. 49
1. 90
Maintenance and Improvement of Highways, Etc.
12, 187, 791. 94
12, 187, 791. 94
20. 08
Maintenance of Hospitals.......................................
666, 196. 00
474, 365. 95
1, 140, 561. 95
1. 88
Maintenance of Institutions for Feeble Minded....
1, 895, 233. 88
46, 492. 15
1, 941, 726. 03
3. 20
Maintenance of Reform and Correctional
1, 039, 217. 86
562, 596. 71
1, 601, 814. 57
2. 64
Aid to Institutions, Etc...........................................
1, 199, 936. 51
438. 97
1, 200, 375. 48
1. 98
Education, Etc.........................................................
7, 423, 554. 17
2, 618, 500. 43
10, 042, 054. 60
16. 55
Public Assistance....................................................
4, 216, 057, 17
163, 358. 31
4, 379, 415. 48
7. 22
Payment of Revenue to Civil Divisions of State....
4, 741, 587. 96
4, 741, 587. 96
7. 81
Examining Boards....................................................
500. 00
81, 942. 43
82, 442. 43
0. 14
Loan Funds..............................................................
$ 2, 211, 482. 99
2, 211, 482. 99
3. 64
Annuity Bond Fund................................................
6, 127, 196. 25
6, 127, 196. 25
10. 10
Federal Funds..........................................................
5, 375, 786. 66
5, 375, 786. 66
8. 66
Miscellaneous Funds...............................................
4, 206, 238. 07
4, 206, 238. 07
6. 93
451, 651. 39
101, 098. 03
$181, 713. 32
734, 462. 74
1. 22
$20, 163, 516. 98
$22, 422, 470. 63
$17, 920, 703. 97
$181, 713. 32
$60, 688, 404. 90
100. 00