Military Department..........................................
25, 000. 00
25, 000. 00
Montrose School for Girls................................
200. 00
200. 00
Morgan State College.........................................
500. 00
500. 00
Real Estate Commission of Maryland................
50. 00
50. 00
State Board of Registration for Professional
Engineers and Land Surveyors.......................
50. 00
50. 00
State Department of Education.........................
500. 00
500. 00
State Roads Commission....................................
133, 000. 00
133, 000. 00
University of Maryland — Baltimore...................
28. 32
28. 32
Clerks and Registers Retirement Board................
5, 373. 83
73. 18
5, 447. 01
Comptroller of the Treasury — Refunds,
Emergency Gross Receipts Tax of 1935............
75, 000. 00
75, 000. 00
Maryland Historical Society...................................
4, 175. 00
4, 175. 00
Maryland Publicity Commission.............................
10, 279. 07
529. 18
10, 808. 25
Maryland Racing1 Commission.................................
22, 447. 93
22, 447. 93
Maryland State Board of Motion Picture
29, 583. 12
257. 35
29, 840. 47
Maryland State Fair Board....................................
51, 649. 79
51, 649. 79
Maryland Veterans Commission.............................
88, 736. 75
200. 97
88, 937. 72
Miscellaneous Appropriations Account No. 2........
227, 718. 16
4, 227. 73
231, 945. 89
Register of Wills — Anne Arundel County..............
7, 244. 60
7, 244. 60
State? Athletic Commission......................................
14, 374. 11
14, 374. 11
State Aviation Commission.....................................
2, 500. 00
93. 19
2, 593. 19
University of Maryland — Maryland State
Weather Service.................................................
2, 687. 19
2, 687. 19
War Memorial Commission....................................
5, 598. 27
5, 598. 27
$20, 163, 516. 98
$22, 422, 470. 63
$17, 920, 703. 97
$1. 81, 713. 32
$60, 688, 404. 90