sons, deceased, and also to certain gifts, grants, sales, leases
and deeds made by various persons to and for the use of
sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations, vestries,
educational and charitable institutions, churches, denomi-
nations or sects hereinafter named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sanction and consent of the said General As-
sembly of Maryland be and the same is hereby declared, given
and granted to the following gifts, bequests, devises, grants,
sales, leases, conveyances and deeds, to and from certain per-
sons and bodies corporate to and for the use of certain minis-
terial persons, religious and educational corporations, orders,
denominations and sects, and to certain charitable institu-
tions hereinafter named and as hereinafter set forth:
1. To the following bequests in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of Rachel Ann Walker, also known as Nannie R. Walker,
recorded in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 191, Folio 98:
(a) Wo-Ho-Mis Lodge of Methodist Episcopal Church,
609 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland............... $2, 500
(b) Deaconess Home of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Baltimore, Maryland....................... $1, 500
(c) Kelso Home of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
Towson, Maryland.................................. $500
(d) Strawbridge Home of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Eldersburg, Maryland...................... $500
(e) Home of the Aged of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Baltimore, Maryland....................... $1,500
(f) Good-Will Industries, Baltimore, Maryland.... $1,000
(g) Home for Incurables, Baltimore, Maryland.... $500
(h) Women's Home Missionary Society of the Balti-
more Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church... $1,000
(i) Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Bal-
timore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. $1,000
2. To the following bequests in the Will of Henrietta Os-
borne Crane, late of Baltimore City, said will being recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Wills
Liber 162, folio 296:
(a) $3,000 to the Vestry of Grace and St. Peter's Protestant
Episcopal Church, Baltimore.
(b) fl,000 to the Bishop of Maryland.
3. To the devise to St. Patrick's Protestant Episcopal
Chapel of St. Alban's Parish, Washington, D. C., (known also
as The Vestry of St. Alban's Parish, a body corporate), made
by Julia F. Dickinson, deceased, by the residuary clause of
her Last Will and Testament, dated December 6, 1934, and
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Anne Arundel