(d) To The American University, of Washington,
D. C., the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
125. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and
Testament of Cecelia V. Obold, deceased, probated in the
Orphans' Court of Carroll County June 23, 1939, and of
record in the Office of the Register of Wills for said County
in Wills Liber H. G. B. No. 15, Folio No. 105, etc., to wit:
(a) To Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Baltimore, for the time being, and his successors
in the Archepiscopal See of Baltimore, according to the dis-
cipline and government of the Roman Catholic Church, a
corporation sole, the respective sums of Five Hundred Dol-
lars ($500.00), Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), One Thou-
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00), One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), One Thou-
sand Dollars ($1,000.00); for the purposes stated in said
(b) To the Franciscan Monastery and Commissa-
riat of the Holy Land, Brookland, District of Columbia, the
sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00), for the purposes stated in
said Will.
(c) To Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Baltimore, f or the time being, and his successors
in the Archepiscopal See of Baltimore, according to the dis-
cipline and government of the Roman Catholic Church, a
corporation sole, the rest and residue of the estate of testa-
126. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and
Testament of Samuel T. Bishop, deceased, probated in the
Orphans' Court of Carroll County July 11, 1939, and of
record in the Office of the Register of Wills for said County
in Wills Liber H. G. B. No. 15, Folio 111, etc., to wit:
(a) To the Cemetery Fund of Trinity Evangeli-
cal Lutheran Church of Taneytown, Maryland, the sum of
Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00).
(b) To The Trustees of Trinity Evangelical Lu-
theran Church of Taneytown, Maryland, the sum of Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00).
(c) To the Tressler Orphans' Home of the Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church of the General Synod of the United
States of America, the sum of One Hundred Dollars
127. To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
to the Trustees of St. John's Lutheran Church near Littles-
town, Adams County, Pennsylvania, provided in the Will
of Louisa Ann Elizabeth Yealy, deceased, probated in the