ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. G; L. No. 5396, Folio
65, conveying fee simple interest in property No. 1622 North
Caroline Street, and more particularly described in said
deed; and also the sanction and consent of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to the holding and disposal of said prop-
erty by The Board of Managers of the Dolan Children's Aid
48. To the bequest of St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis,
Maryland, contained in the Last Will and Testament of John
Clayton Brewer, deceased, late of Anne Arundel County, and
filed and probated March 14, 1939, in the office of the Regis-
ter of Wills of said County.
49. To the bequest to St. Anne's Parish, Annapolis,
Maryland, contained in the Last Will and Testament of
Mary Winchester, deceased, late of Anne Arundel County,
filed and probated in June, 1940, in the City of Washington,
D. C.
50. To the bequest to the "Chase Home", Annapolis,
Maryland, contained in the Last Will and Testament of John
Clayton Brewer, deceased, late of Anne Arundel County,
filed and probated March 14, 1939, in the office of the Regis-
ter of Wills for said County.
51. To the bequest to the "Chase Home", Annapolis,
Maryland, contained in the Last Will and Testament of Mrs.
Fanny Brewer Carver, deceased, late of Anne Arundel Coun-
ty, duly filed for probate in August, 1940, in Baltimore City.
52. To the devise, legacy or bequest of Four Hundred
Dollars ($400. 00) under the Will of (Mrs. ) Elizabeth H.
Tarbert, late of Baltimore County, deceased, to "Baltimore
Monthly Meeting of Friends, Park Ave., Inc. "
53. To the gift to the Baltimore Monthly Meeting of
Friends, Homewood, (called in Will "Baltimore Monthly
Meeting of Friends, Orthodox"), contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Sarah P. White, deceased, late of Balti-
more City, of record in the Office of the Register of Wills
for said City, in "Wills" Liber J. H. B. No. 192, Folio 178.
54. To the gift in remainder to the Home for the Aged
of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, con-
tained in the Last Will and Testament of Mary Washing-
ton Taylor, deceased, late of Baltimore City, of record in
the Office of the Register of Wills for said City, in "Wills"
Liber E. R. D. No. 149, Folio 208.
55. To the gift to The Woodstock College of Baltimore
County, Maryland (called in Will "Associated Professors of