Assembly, and keep members fully informed of all matters
which may come before the Council, the actions taken thereon,
and the progress made in relation thereto. Any member of
the General Assembly shall have the right to attend any of
the sessions of the Council, and may present his views on
any subject which the Council may at any particular time
be considering, but he shall not have the right to participate
in any decision which the Council may make.
35. The recommendations of the Council shall be com-
pleted and made public, together with the research reports
relating thereto, at least thirty days prior to any session of the
General Assembly at which such recommendations are to be
submitted; and a copy of said recommendations and research
reports shall be mailed to each member of the General As-
sembly, including newly-elected members, to each elective
State officer and to the State Library.
36. The appropriation for the Council, which for budget
purposes shall be treated as a Legislative expense, may be
expended, in accordance with the budget.
(1) To compensate the members of the Council at the rate
of ten dollars for each day spent in attendance at sessions of
the Council, or of sub-committees thereof, and actual traveling
and hotel expenses incurred while so attending;
(2) To pay to the experts, assistants, stenographers, and
other persons and research agencies employed by the Director
of Research, such compensation as he shall fix, subject to the
approval of the Council.
(3) To pay for necessary stationery and supplies and print-
ing for the Council and Research Division;
(4) To reimburse witnesses required to appear before the
Council by its order, and members of unpaid committees
appointed by the Council, for actual travelling and hotel ex-
penses incurred in attending any session of the Council or of
any such committee.
37. The total expenses for the Legislative Council shall not
exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20, 000. 00) for any biennium.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, if any provision or
section of this Act is held invalid, such invalidity shall not
affect any other provision or section of this Act and the re-
mainder of this Act shall take effect in the same manner and
at the same time as if such invalid provision or section had
not been included in this Act.