rent of $72. 00 issuing out of the property No. 2941 Clifton
Avenue, in Baltimore City.
46. To a grant contained in a deed from Albert J. Cur-
ran and Francis C. Harwood, Executors of the estate of
Stephen P. Harwood to The Inner Mission Society of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City and Vicin-
ity, Inc., conveying two annual ground rents of $90. 00 each,
issuing out of the properties known as No. 607 West 39th
Street and No. 611 West 39th Street, in Baltimore City.
47. To a grant contained in a deed from C. Fred Kraus
to the Board of Foreign Missions of the United Lutheran
Church in America, conveying an annual ground rent of
$60. 00 issuing out of the property No. 1635 East 25th
Street, in Baltimore City.
48. To a deed from William H. Milling and Frances R.
Milling, his wife, to The Board of Trustees of Parsonage
Property of Chase Circuit Methodist Episcopal Church, a
body corporate, dated April 12, 1937, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber C. W. B.
Jr. No. 994, folio 382, conveying the fee simple title in and
to a parcel of land containing 1-28/100ths acres of land,
more or less, situate on the Ebenezer Road in the Fifteenth
Election District of Baltimore County.
49. To devises and bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Philip Behringer, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, of record in the Office of the Register of Wills
of Baltimore City, in Liber 193, folio 344, viz:
$1, 000. 00 to the First German United Evangelical Church
of Baltimore City, a body corporate.
50. To devises and bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of John H. Shaab, late of Howard County,
deceased, of record in the Office of Register of Wills of
Howard County, in Liber R. L. P. No. 8, folio 37, 3, viz:
$500. 00 to the Little Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore.
$500. 00 to the Pastor for the time being of St. Augustine's
Roman Catholic Church, Elkridge, Maryland, towards the
Church debt etc.
$200. 00 to the Pastor for the time being of St. Augustine's
Roman Catholic Church, Elkridge, Maryland, for Masses.
51. To a deed to the Board of Jewish Education of Bal-
timore City, Incorporated, from the Kodimo Hebrew School
of Baltimore City, a corporation, dated 11th day of March,
1937, recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 5704, folio 3, etc., conveying the lease-