and to enact in lieu thereof eleven new sections to be
known as Sections 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 55A, 55B,
55C and 55D, to be under a new sub-title "Department
of Parole and Probation", providing for parole and proba-
tion and the establishment and functions of a Division of
Parole and Probation; and a Board of Parole and Proba-
tion and a Director of Parole and Probation, and desig-
nating the cases to be considered for release on parole;
and the method and the determination of the terms and
conditions and manner of such parole; providing for the
procedure to be used in the granting and revocation of
paroles; and providing for the appointment of parole
officers and other employees, and the supervision by them
of persons released on parole or released on probation by
the courts of this State; for investigations of applicants
for Executive clemency and the supervision by the Direc-
tor of Parole and Probation of persons released on
conditional pardons and the investigation and super-
vision of persons under suspended sentence by the Courts.
SECTION 1. Be in enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, and 55, of
Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924
Edition), title "Governor—Executive and Administra-
tive Departments", sub-title "Parole Commissioner", be
and they are hereby repealed and that eleven new sections
to be known as Sections 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 55A,
55B, 55C and 55D be and they are hereby enacted in lieu
thereof under a new sub-title the "Department of Parole
and Probation" to read as follows:
46. Definitions: In the construction of this sub-title,
the following definitions shall conclusively determine the
meaning of the terms used;
(a) A pardon is an act of clemency, evidenced by a
written Executive order signed by the Governor under the
Great Seal, absolving the grantee thereof from the guilt of
his criminal acts and exempting him from any pains and
penalties imposed upon him therefor by law. It shall be
presumed that the grantee of a pardon had been lawfully
and properly convicted of crime against the State unless
the order shall make known that the grantee has been con-
clusively shown to have been convicted in error.
(b) A partial pardon is an act of clemency, a pardon
which has been limited by the terms of the order so as to
be of less effect than a full pardon; and which is clearly
shown on the face of the order to be a partial pardon.