factory evidence. The Commissioner of Fisheries shall fur-
nish to each of the county inspectors and deputy inspectors
certificates in book form, supplied with carbon paper, so that
each of the said triplicate certificates shall be exactly the
same; the form of the certificate shall be as follows:
................ 19....
I hereby certify that I have this date inspected for
Captain.................... schooner..........., a cargo of
oysters caught within the limits of the State of Maryland,
sold to............. and found the same to contain..........
bushels of merchantable oysters and.............. bushels of
unmerchantable oysters.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That a new section be
and the same is hereby added to Article 72 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Oysters", sub-title
"General Measurers and Inspectors", said new section to be
known as Section 84, to follow immediately after Section 83
and to read as follows:
84. In addition to the certificates required by Sections 81
and 82 hereof every packer or commission merchant buying
oysters in the State of Maryland shall furnish to the inspector
assigned to his district, a weekly report under oath showing
the number of bushels, bags or barrels of oysters purchased
by him during the preceding week.
SEC., 8. And be it further enacted, That Section 129 of
Article 72 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1935 Supple-
ment), title "Oysters", sub-title "Oyster Culture", be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to
read as follows:
129. It shall be lawful at any time after the closed season
for taking oysters, to take oysters from such natural beds or
bars in Chesapeake Bay as the Commission may mark out for
that purpose, and at such time as the Commission may desig-
nate, but not to exceed one month in any one year and under
such regulations as said Commission may from time to time
prescribe; and, provided, however, that said oysters may be
sold only for the purposes now permitted under the existing
laws of Maryland, during the season of the year above men-
tioned; and in addition thereto, to persons engaged in the
industry of planting and cultivating oysters within the
State of Maryland, the same to be delivered only upon land
which may have been leased under the provisions of this sub-
title for said purposes of planting or cultivation.