Assistant Burgess of said town, both of whom shall be
citizens of the United States and five years residents of
said town next preceding the election, and at least twenty-
five years of age; they shall take the oath of office as
hereinafter prescribed for town officers, and remain in
office until their successors are elected and qualified.
732. The method of holding elections in said town shall
be as follows: The Burgess shall publish by hand-bills,
posted in at least six public places in said town, at least
ten days prior to the date of said election, the officers to
be voted for, or the objects and purposes of said election,
in writing, one qualified voter of said town to act as judge
of election, who, before he shall proceed to act as such,
shall take the following oath or affirmation before the
Burgess or a justice of the peace in Washington county:
I will fairly and impartially act as judge of the municipal
election to be held in town of Sharpsburg on the..................
day of September, A. D.................... according to the best of
my knowledge and understanding of law. A certificate
that said oath or affirmation has been administered shall
accompany the election returns as hereinafter provided.
On failure of the judge so appointed to appear, the Burgess
shall appoint another qualified person, and so on until a judge
is secured; and in case of death, absence, inability or refusal
of the Burgess to appoint, the duty shall devolve upon the
assistant Burgess, and in case of his death, absence, in-
ability or refusal, the like duty shall devolve upon one of
the Commissioners chosen by a majority of that body;
and upon failure of the Burgess, assistant Burgess or
Commissioners to perform the duties imposed by this sec-
tion, they shall be subject to indictment in the Circuit
Court for Washington county, and to a fine of twenty-five
dollars upon conviction. The said judge shall be a con-
servator of the peace during the election and until the
ballots shall be counted and the returns made out, and
shall have the authority to commit offenders for any breach
of the peace, or interference with the election, for a period
of not over twenty days, and to administer oaths or affir-
mation to any person touching his qualification as a voter.
The said judge shall appoint a clerk of election from the
qualified voters of said town, who, before acting as such
shall take the following oath or affirmation, to be admin-
istered by the judge: I will well and faithfully keep a true
record of all the votes cast at the municipal election to
be held in the town of Sharpsburg, on the.................. day of
September, A. D.................... according to the best of my ability.
A box shall be kept, in which all the ballots received shall
be deposited by the judge, and the names of all persons