(Senate Bill 77)
AN ACT to repeal Sections 23 to 28, inclusive, of Article
11 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930
Edition), title "Frederick County", sub-title "Auditing
Committee", and to enact six new sections in lieu there-
of, said new sections to be under sub-title "Auditor",
to be known as Sections 23 to 28, inclusive and to follow
immediately after Section 22 of said Article, relating to
the appointment, duties and compensation of an Auditor
for Frederick County and providing for a system of ac-
counts for certain offices in said County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 23 to 28, inclusive, of Article 11
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edi-
tion), title "Frederick County", sub-title "Auditing Com-
mittee", be and they are hereby repealed, and that six new
sections be and they are hereby enacted in lieu thereof, said
new sections to be known as Sections 23 to 28, inclusive,
to be under sub-title "Auditor", to follow immediately
after Section 22 of said Article, and to read as follows:
23. The Judges of the Circuit Court for Frederick
County shall on or before the first day of March, 1939, and
annually thereafter on or before the first day of January,
appoint a certified public accountant of good standing and
reputation who shall be designated as the auditor for Fred-
erick County and who shall hold office for one year from the
date of appointment. The said Judges shall fill any vacan-
cies that may occur in said office within ten days after the
same is known to exist. The said auditor so appointed
shall before entering upon the discharge of his duties take
before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Frederick County
the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the State.
24. The said auditor shall, as soon as practicable after
entering upon the discharge of his duties, prepare and set
up a system of bookkeeping or accounts, such as will not
be in conflict with the authority granted any other State
Department having control or supervision over the records
in the offices of the County Commissioners, the County
Treasurer, County Board of Education, and Sheriff. After
the system of bookkeeping or accounts has been so set up,
it shall be mandatory upon the Clerk of the County Com-