and the name of such nominee shall not appear upon the
official ballot at the election to be held to fill such office.
The ballots in such cases shall be cast in Baltimore City,
and the several counties of the State, respectively, as pro-
vided in the preceding sections, and shall be counted and
canvassed, and the result of the election announced and
certified in Baltimore City and in each of the counties of
the State as now provided by said Article 33 for elections
held hereunder, and said primary election shall be held
and conducted and determined in the manner and form
provided by this article for general elections and subject
to all regulations, requirements and provisions as pre-
scribed by this article for general elections, in so far as
the same is or are or may be applicable to said primary
elections, except as may be herein otherwise provided;
and the provisions of the general election law governing
election contests are hereby expressly declared to be applic-
able to such primary elections; provided, that if after the
expiration of the time allowed by this sub-title for candi-
dates for public office, delegates to conventions, members
of managing bodies, precinct, ward, city and county execu-
tives or executive committees to qualify for the purpose of
having their names placed upon the official primary elec-
tion ballot in any legislative district of Baltimore City or
in any county of the State it shall appear that only one
set of candidates of any such political party have so quali-
fied, then and in that event, certificates of nomination or
selection shall be issued to the candidates, so qualified in
a similar manner to that herein provided for successful
candidates at primary elections, and no such primary
election shall be held for such political party; and provided,
further, that whenever only one candidate of any such
political party for such public office or position has so
qualified to have his name so placed upon the official pri-
may election ballot at the expiration of the time allowed
by this sub-title, then, and in that event, a certificate of
nomination or selection shall in like manner be issued to
him forthwith, and his name, and the name of the position
for which he is a candidate shall be omitted from the said
official ballot, so that such official ballot of such political
party shall contain only the names of such candidates for
position, offices, or delegates where there are qualified con-
testants for such positions. Any vacancy which may exist
in respect to any office, delegates to convention, or position
named in this sub-title occurring after the returns have
been canvassed and finally announced or which may exist
by reason of there being no candidate for the same in any
such primary election or otherwise, shall be filled as the