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Session Laws, 1939
Volume 581, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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by ordinance or resolution direct, and he shall receive
for his services such sum per annum, as the commission-
ers may by ordinance determine.

335A. The Town Clerk shall collect all the town taxes
hereinafter levied by the commissioners, and all licenses,
and receive all fines and other moneys in anywise belong-
ing to the town, and act as treasurer for the town. He
shall have full power to enforce the payment of all taxes
levied by the commissioners, by suit or by sale or other-
wise, as provided by law, and to convey title to any real
or personal property sold by him for the non-payment of

335B. He shall, before he enters upon the duties of his
office, take before the President of the Commissioners his
oath, and also execute a bond to the State of Maryland,
in the penalty of Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000. 00), for
the faithful performance of his duties as town clerk, which
bond shall be paid for by the commissioners, and further
conditioned that he will well and truly account and be
liable for any and all money coming into his possession as
town clerk, or for which he shall be secured by a fidelity
or surety company qualified to act as security or guar-
antor under the laws of Maryland; and the same shall be
approved by the commissioners, and when signed and
approved shall be delivered by them to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for record; and upon his failure to give bond
within thirty days after his appointment, the commis-
sioners shall appoint another person to act as town clerk
as aforesaid; and in case of vacancy in said office from
any cause, the president shall fill the same for the balance
of the term; and any person so appointed shall take the
oath and give the bond herein required, and perform all
the duties of the said office.

335C. The town clerk shall keep the assessment books
with the names of taxpayers arranged alphabetically, stat-
ing the value of each piece of property, real or personal,
assessed with sufficient description thereof to identify the
same. He shall keep a full and fair cash account showing
the sums of money received by him, stating the source
from whence the same was received, and showing all the
money paid out by him, to whom and for what purpose;
and all books, documents and papers pertaining to his
office shall be supplied by the commissioners, be the prop-
erty of the commissioners, and be kept in the office of the
commissioners, and be at all times subject to the examina-
tion of the commissioners and any taxpayer of said town.


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Session Laws, 1939
Volume 581, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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