mediately after Sub-section 20D of said Section 6 of said
Article, and to read as follows:
20E. To grant to the officers, agents, servants, and
employees of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, the Walters'
Art Gallery, the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Munic-
ipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, such of the benefits
and advantages of the Employees' Retirement System of
the City of Baltimore, established by Ordinance No. 553
approved February 1, 1926, as the Mayor and City Council
may by ordinance provide, except that the Retirement
System shall not be liable for the payment of any pensions
or other benefits on account of said officers, agents, serv-
ants and employees, for which reserves have not been
previously created from funds contributed specifically for
such benefits by the City or said officers, agents, servants
and employees. Provided, that any ordinance passed
under authority of this sub-section may provide that
every such officer, agent, servant or employee shall be en-
titled to credit for all service rendered prior to January
1, 1926 and for one-half of all service rendered between
January 1, 1926 and the date of admission to the said
Employees' Retirement System; provided, further, that
any ordinance passed under authority hereof shall provide
that any such officer, agent, servant or employee who shall
become such after the passage of said ordinance shall,
before becoming a member of the said Employees' Retire-
ment System of the City of Baltimore, first submit to a
medical examination similar to that required for employees
in the Classified Service of the City of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency law and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health and
safety, and, being passed upon a yea and nay vote, sup-
ported by three-fifths of all members elected to each of the
two Houses of the General Assembly, the same shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 24, 1939.
(Senate Bill 37)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
103 of Article 14 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland of 1929, title "Howard County, " subtitle