for an additional polling place in the Fifth Election
District of Talbot County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added
to Article 33 of the Annotated Code 9f Maryland (1935
Supplement), title "Elections", sub-title "Miscellaneous
Provisions", said new section to be known as Section 138B>
to follow immediately after Section 138A of said Article,
and to read as follows:
138B. The Board of Supervisors of Elections of Talbot
County is hereby authorized and directed to provide for
an additional polling place in the Fifth Election District
of said County, the said polling place to be in the Town
of Claiborne. It shall be the duty of said Supervisors to
fix the boundaries for said additional polling place and to
cause an additional set or sets of books to be prepared,
containing the names of registered voters transferred to
said polling place to be transcribed thereon from the orig-
inal books. All members of the Board of Supervisors of
Elections of Talbot County shall sign their names to the
books which contain the names copied from the original
books for such polling place and shall duly certify that
said sets of books so copied contain all the names of per-
sons entitled to vote in such election precinct or polling
place, said certificate to appear on the blank line next
following the last name in each letter of the alphabetical
list of names in the new book so transcribed. The law
relating to notice of the location of polling places shall
apply to the additional polling place provided for herein.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1st, 1939.
Approved May 3, 1939.
(Senate Bill 193)
AN ACT to add two new sections to Article 33 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Elections, " sub-title
"Registration, " said new sections to follow Section 29S
of said Article, and to be known as Sections 29T and
29U, providing for the transcribing of the registration
books in Harford County, and the omission from the new