Dorchester County to institutions and places of confine
ment, and no further sum or sums, whatsoever.
The County Commissioners shall furnish the Sheriff with
the necessary stationery, books and office supplies for the
proper operation of his office, and the County Commis-
sioners are further authorized and directed to levy the
sum, not exceeding Six Hundred Dollars for the first year
and Four Hundred Dollars annually thereafter, for the
purchase of an automobile to be used by the Sheriff or
his Deputies for the general public work of the office, the
total of which may be furnished the Sheriff at the begin-
ning of the year or when the County Commissioners see
fit, which automobile is to be maintained by the Sheriff
without any cost to the County other than the Six Hun-
dred Dollar annual allowance above referred to.
503. He shall collect all fines, costs, fees, and other
charges arising out of both criminal and civil cases to which
he may be entitled by law, and exercise all powers con-
ferred upon him by law, to enforce the collection of the
same, and shall at the end of each month during his term
of office, make an itemized report under oath of the same
to the County Commissioners of Dorchester County in
such form as said County Commissioners may direct, and
pay over the same to the County Commissioners for the
use of the said County, and whenever any Sheriff shall
retire from office, leaving uncollected any moneys law-
fully payable to him as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of
his successor to collect and pay over the same; and it
shall be the duty of the Sheriff to keep in his office in a
proper book for the purpose of an official record of moneys
collected and to be collected, which book, immediately after
his term in office, shall be delivered to the County Com-
503-A. The Sheriff of Dorchester County is hereby
authorized and required to appoint, with the advice and
consent of the State's Attorney of Dorchester County, one
deputy sheriff, for said county, who shall be the chief
deputy sheriff and who shall hold office for a period of
four years, said term to begin and end with that of the
Sheriff unless removed by said sheriff at any time he may
elect to do so before the expiration thereof, and the said
Chief Deputy shall receive an annual salary of the sum
of Twelve Hundred Dollars, to be paid to him in monthly
installments of One Hundred Dollars by the County Com-
missioners of Dorchester County; the said Chief Deputy,
in addition to performing the general duties assigned to