are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments and
that a new section to be known as Section 38A and to
follow immediately after Section 38 of said Article be and
is hereby added to said Article, all to read as follows:
5. The owner of any lot or farm who may be desirous
of erecting any building or of contracting with any person
for the erection thereof may define in writing the boun-
daries of the lot or land or curtilage appurtenant to such
building previously to the commencement thereof and file
the same with the clerk of the circuit court for the county,
or of the circuit court of Baltimore City, as the
case may be, for record, and such designation of boun-
daries shall be obligatory upon all persons concerned.
6. In default of such designation of boundaries pre-
vious to the commencement of any building, it shall be
lawful for the owner of such lot or piece of ground, or
for any person having a lien upon the same by mortgage,
judgment or otherwise, or entitled to a lien by virtue of
this article, to apply by petition in writing to the judge
of the circuit court for the county or the circuit
court of the City of Baltimore to designate the boundaries.
12. If such notice can not be given on account of
absence or other causes, the claimant or his agent may,
in the presence of a competent witness and within sixty
days, place said notice upon the door or other front part
of said building and shall file a claim with the clerk of the
circuit court for the county or the circuit court of Balti-
more City, as the case may be, as hereinafter mentioned.
17. Each person entitled to such lien shall file a claim
or statement of his demand in the office of the clerk of the
circuit court for the county or the circuit court
of Baltimore City, as the case may be, and such claim or
statement shall be re-delivered by the clerk to the party
filing the same after it has been recorded as provided in
section 18.
18. The clerks of the circuit courts for the several
counties and the circuit court of Baltimore City
shall each procure and keep a docket or book to be called
"The mechanics' lien docket", in which he shall record all
designations or descriptions of lots or pieces of ground
and all claims which may be filed by virtue of this article
together with the day of filing the same and shall cause
the names of the owner of the lot of ground and of the
contractor, architect or builder, if such be named, and of
the person claiming the lien under this law to be recorded