Sale" licenses shall be issued only to bona fide hotels, restau-
rants and eating places where food is regularly served to the
380. All applicants for licenses shall pay to the County
Commissioners of Caroline County a license fee of twenty-
five dollars ($25. 00) per annum for "Off Sale" licenses and
fifty dollars ($50. 00) per annum for "On Sale" licenses, the
same to be paid before the license is issued. Said license
shall be good for one year from its date, unless sooner re-
voked by the County Commissioners of Caroline County, as
herein provided.
380A. No person, firm, corporation or association shall sell,
offer for sale, or keep for sale within the limits of Caroline
County any of the beverages tinder the provisions of this Act,
without having first obtained a license as provided in this Act.
No brewer, wholesaler or distributor shall sell, or deliver any
of the said beverages within Caroline County to any person
other than a licensee. No brewer, manufacturer, wholesaler or
distributor shall have any direct or indirect financial interest
in the business of any licensee. Provided that nothing in this
Act contained shall apply to holders of Class E and Class F
licenses under the provisions of Article 2B of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland (1935 Supp. ).
380B. It shall be unlawful for any licensee under the pro-
visions of this Act to sell, barter or furnish or give away any
beer at any time on Sunday or the day of any general, primary
or special election.
380C. The County Commissioners of Caroline County are
hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations, not
inconsistent with this Act for the publication of applications
for licenses, the issuance of such licenses, and for the opera-
tion of all business by licensees, and the granting or refusal
to grant a license and the suspension or revocation of any
license previously issued under this Act, is within the sound
discretion of the Commissioners whose decision in all such
matters shall be final. Said regulations may be modified from
time to time as may be deemed desirable.
380D. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions
of this Act shall, upon conviction in the Circuit Court of
Caroline County or before any Justice of the Peace thereof,
be punished by a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars
($1, 000) or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or
both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court or
Justice of the Peace; and, in the case of a licensee, his license
shall be revoked for a period of one year. If any licensee