of interest thereon, the terms and conditions thereof, the prep-
aration of certificates of indebtedness and the advertising
and sale thereof. All contracts for the expenditure of the pro-
ceeds of any loan authorized by any Act of the General As-
sembly shall be subject to the approval of said Board before
the same are executed.
2. The Board of Public Works shall in like manner super-
vise the expenditure of all sums appropriated for the acquisi-
tion of land, buildings, equipment, new construction and other
capital expenditures, except in connection with State roads,
bridges and highways, whether made through the medium of
a budget bill, a supplementary appropriation bill or a State
bond issue bill, and all contracts for the expenditure thereof
shall be subject to the approval of said Board before the same
are executed, after review by the Director of Budget and Pro-
3. The Board of Public Works shall have the power and
duty to approve every lease and renewal thereof of land, build-
ings or office space before the same is executed by any depart-
ment, board, commission, State officer or institution of the
State, and shall have power to designate the location of any
State agency, after review by the Director of Budget and
4. The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and em-
powered to borrow upon the credit of the State, at any time
between the biennial sessions of the General Assembly in sum
or sums not to exceed $50, 000 in the aggregate to meet tem-
porary deficits in the treasury; and in addition thereto the
said Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to borrow upon the credit of the State in sum or sums
not to exceed $1, 000, 000 in the aggregate, in anticipation of
taxes levied for any year. All loans made in pursuance of
this section shall bear interest at, a rate to be determined by
the Board of Public Works, and shall mature and be repaid
on or before the end of the biennium in which such sums are
5. The Board of Public Works shall have power to adopt
rules and regulations, upon recommendation of the Comp-
troller, covering matters of business administration in the
various departments, institutions and agencies of the State,
including the fixing of uniform rates of mileage allowance,
and the terms and renewals of all bonds furnished by State
officials and employees. Any such rules and regulations when
adopted shall be binding upon all the departments, institu-
tions and other agencies affected thereby.