years, the current assets, liabilities, reserves and surplus or
deficit of the State, an itemized list of the debts and funds of
the State, and an estimate of the financial condition of the State
as of the beginning and end of each of the fiscal years next suc-
ceeding, including an itemized statement of the estimated
1. 8. In the interest of economy and efficiency, it shall be
the duty of the Director to make a complete survey of the
operation and maintenance of all the departments, boards,
commissions, bureaus, divisions, institutions or agencies of
the State in order to secure information upon which to base
recommendations to the Governor as to the appropriations
that will be needed for the maintenance and operation of all
such agencies.
19. In connection with this study of the needs of the sev-
eral departments, boards, commissions, bureaus, divisions, in-
stitutions and agencies of the State, the Director shall give
careful attention to the administration, organization and du-
ties of the same in order to ascertain whether there is any du-
plication or overlapping of work, duties or functions, and shall
make reports and recommendations to the Governor for the
reorganization or consolidation of any departments, boards,
commissions, bureaus, divisions, institutions or agencies
whenever in his opinion such reorganization or consolidation
would result in economy or efficiency, or be to the best inter-
ests of the State.
20. The Director shall be subject to call by either House
of the General Assembly or any committee thereof in order to
supply any data or information in his possession.
21. Every amended budget schedule prepared by any de-
partment, board, commission, bureau, division, institution
or agency of the State shall be submitted to the Director be-
fore being submitted to the Governor, and the recommenda-
tions of the Director shall be endorsed thereon or attached
thereto before the same is submitted to the Governor.
Purchasing Bureau.
22. Upon the taking effect of this Act, the Director of
Budget and Procurement shall exercise all of the powers and
duties theretofore exercised by the Central Purchasing Bureau
and the Purchasing Agent, and thereupon the Central Pur-
chasing Bureau and the position of Purchasing Agent shall
be abolished.