as is fixed in the Budget. The Director shall appoint a Chief
of the Budget Bureau, a Chief of the Purchasing Bureau and
such other employees and assistants as he may deem neces-
sary, who shall receive such compensation as may be provided
in the Budget; but the Chiefs of said Bureaus and all other
employees and assistants shall be appointed in accordance
with the provisions of Article 64A of the Annotated Code of
Budget Bureau.
14. It shall be the duty of the Director of Budget and Pro-
curement, hereinafter referred to as the Director, to contin-
uously study and analyze the needs of the several depart-
ments, boards, commissions, bureaus, divisions, institutions
and agencies of the State, and of all private associations, cor-
porations or institutions which receive any funds appropriated
by the State for any purpose whatsoever; and to continu-
ously study and analyze the current progress of revenue re-
ceipts in relation to such needs.
15. The Director shall have the power to examine any
officer or employee of the above mentioned departments,
boards, commissions, bureaus, divisions, institutions or agen-
cies of the State, or of any private association, corporation
or institution receiving any funds appropriated by the State
as to any and all information which may be desired, and
to examine the books and records of all such agencies and in-
stitutions, if deemed necessary, to aid him in estimating
the needs of such agencies or institutions.
16. The Director shall have the power to prescribe the
forms upon which all requests for appropriations are submit-
ted in such detail as may be indicated, together with any sup-
porting data that may be desired and these forms shall be
returned to the Director at such time as he shall determine.
17. It shall be the duty of the Director to prepare a tenta-
tive budget and report for the assistance of the Governor in
the preparation of his budget bills for submission to the Legis-
lature. Such report shall give comparative appropriations
and expenditures for each of the two fiscal years next pre-
ceding, the amount requested for each of the two succeeding
fiscal years, and the amount recommended by the Director.
The report shall also contain a financial statement showing
the total revenue from all sources (State, Federal and other-
wise) and expenses for each of the two fiscal years next pre-
ceding, giving effect to all amended schedules approved in said