and the City of Baltimore, for minors committed or trans-
ferred to said institution.
SECTION 1. B. e it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That seven new sections be, and the same are; hereby
added to Article 27 of the Annotated Code of the Public
General Laws of Maryland, Edition of 1924, title "Crimes
and Punishments, " the said new sections to be placed under
a new sub-title reading "Maryland Training School for Col-
ored Girls, " to follow immediately after Section 660, to be
known as Sections 660A, 660B, 660C, 660D, 660E, 660F
and 660G, and to read as follows:
660A. There shall be established in this State, an institu-
tion to be known as the Maryland Training School for Colored
Girls. The said institution is hereby declared to be a public
agency of this State for the care and reformation of colored
female minors committed or transferred to its care under the
laws of this State. It shall be under the supervision, control
and management of a Board of Managers to be appointed as
hereinafter provided.
660B. The Board of Managers of the Maryland Training
School for Colored Girls shall consist of nine members to be
appointed by the Governor, not less than five of whom shall be
women. Immediately after the passage of this Act, the Gov-
ernor shall appoint a Board of Managers of said institution,
three of whom shall hold office until June 1st, 1933, three of
whom shall hold office until June 1st, 1935, and three of whom
shall hold office until June 1st, 1937. Upon the expiration of
the respective terms of the members of the Board, the Governor
shall appoint successors who* shall hold office for terms of
six years. Vacancies in said Board shall be filled by the
Governor for the unexpired term. The said institution shall
always be non-sectarian, but the Board shall make provision
for appropriate religious instruction of the inmates. The
members of the Board shall not receive any compensation for
their services, and five of its members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business. The Governor shall have
power to remove any member of the Board at any time for
any cause which he may deem sufficient, upon giving such
director a copy of the charges against him or her, and an
opportunity to be heard in his or her defense. At the first