party in interest, or on its own motion, require the claimant
to appear before an arbitration committee appointed by it and
consisting of one representative of employes, one representa-
tive of employers, and either a member of the Commission or
a person specially deputized by the Commission to act as
chairman, before which the evidence in regard to the claim:
shall be adduced and by which it shall be considered and.
reported upon with the right of either party to appeal to the
Commission from the finding of said arbitration committee on.
all questions of law and fact. If changes of circumstances
warrant an increase or rearrangement of compensation, like
application shall be made. No increase or rearrangement shall
be operative for any period prior to application therefor. At
any time after a claim for compensation under this Article has
been filed with the State Industrial Accident Commission by
any claimant, the said claimant and/or his or her dependents
may, with the approval of the State Industrial Accident Com-
mission, enter into an agreement with the employer or insurer
of such employer providing for a final compromise and settle-
ment of any and all claims which the said employee or his or
her dependents might then or thereafter have under the pro-
visions of this Article, upon such terms and conditions as the
Commission shall, in its discretion, deem proper. Any such
settlement when approved by the Commission shall be binding
upon all parties thereto, and no such settlement shall be effec-
tive unless approved by the Commission.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1st, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to authorize stock corporations as well as member
corporations to hold meetings outside the State.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to establish a new prison or reformatory in Wash-
ington County, Maryland, to provide for the construction,
management and control thereof, and for the transfer of