SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect, retroactively, as of January 1, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to add five new sections to Article 27 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Crimes and
Punishments, " to be known under sub-title "Health—
Methanol" (wood alcohol), said new sections to follow im-
mediately after Section 277 of said Article and to be known
as Sections 277A, 277B, 277C, 277D and 277E, for the
purpose of regulating the sale, offering for sale, giving away
or transfer of liquids or articles commonly known as anti-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That five new sections be and they are hereby added
to Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edi-
tion), title "Crimes and Punishments, " to be known under
sub-title "Health—Methanol" (wood alcohol), said new sec-
tions to follow immediately after Section 277 of said Article,
to be known as Sections 277A, 277B, 2770, 277D and 277E,
and to read as follows:
HEALTH—Methanol (Wood Alcohol).
277A. That the word "person" as used in this Act shall
be construed to include natural persons, copartnerships, asso-
ciations, and corporations.
The word "methanol" as used in this Act, shall be construed
to mean and include the products commonly known as "me-
thanol, " "methyl alcohol, " "wood alcohol, " "Columbian
spirits, " "Colonial spirits, " "wood naphtha, " "methyl hy-
droxide, " "methyl hydrate, " and "greenwood spirits, " and any
similar poisonous alcohol.
277B. On and after June 1, 1931, it shall be unlawful for
any person to sell, offer for sale, give away, or transfer to
another person, any article commonly known as anti-freeze,
containing in excess of 10 per cent, of methanol, unless the
following provisions are complied with: