to be made stating the time and place where bids, conditioned
as the said Mayor and City Council may require, will be opened
for the sale of said bonds as a whole or in parts, reserving unto
itself the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids, together
with such certified checks as may be required, shall be filed
with the city clerk, and at the time and place advertised shall
be opened by him in the presence of the Mayor and City Coun-
cil, and if said bids be satisfactory to the Mayor and City Coun-
cil it shall sell said bonds, or any part thereof, to the highest
bidder or bidders therefor, of whose ability to comply with the
terms of sale the said Mayor and City Council, in its discre-
tion, is satisfied. In the event that said bonds be sold, the
proceeds thereof shall be placed in a separate fund and shall
be used for the sole purpose of opening, widening and extend-
ing Front Street, in the City of Cumberland, Maryland, or in
lieu thereof they may use said funds for the purpose of reim-
bursing the State Roads Commission of Maryland, in the event
that said State Roads Commission shall acquire the rights of
way necessary for opening, widening or extending said Front
Street, in the City of Cumberland, Maryland.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That any and all Acts
or parts of Acts or any part or parts of the Charter of the City
of Cumberland, Maryland, conflicting in any way herewith is
or are repealed in so far and to the extent that the same shall
so conflict.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect upon the first day of June, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to exempt for a period of two years the Emmitsburg
Railroad Company from all State taxes and from all county
taxes in the county of Frederick.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Emmitsburg Railroad Company shall be
exempt from all State taxes and from all county taxes in the
County of Frederick for a period of two years.