of said Article, to provide for a new general registration of
all the qualified voters of Wicomico County in the year 1932
and to supercede all the registers of voters of said county
now in existence.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added to
Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1929 Supple-
ment), title "Elections, " sub-title "Registration, " said new
section to be known as Section 28B, to follow immediately after
Section 28A of said Article and to read as follows:
28B. In Wicomico County a new general registration of all
the qualified voters of said county shall be made by the boards
of registry of said county in the year 1932. Such new general
registration shall be made in the same way and under the same
rules and provisions in all respects as are in said Article 33
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Elections, " sub-title
"Registration, " made for the first general registration, so far
as the same may be applicable, and except as herein modified.
Each Board of Registry shall sit for said new registration at
the place designated by the Board of Supervisors of Elections
on Tuesday, the 5th of April, 1932, and on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, the 19th and 20th of April, 1932, and on Tuesday, the
4th of October, 1932, and on Tuesday the 11th of October,,
1932, and shall register names of voters on all five days. It
shall be the duty of each Board of Registry after the close of the
last mentioned session, viz., that held on the 11th clay of
October, 1932, to note for erasure from such registry the
names of all persons known or supposed to be dead, and the
names of all persons who are suspected of being disqualified
under Sections 2 and 3 of Article 1 of the Constitution of
the State, and the names of all persons who are supposed to
have removed from such precinct and have not taken out re-
moval papers, and of all persons who are suspected to be
otherwise disqualified as voters, and they shall before separa-
ting make out a list of all persons so noted for erasure, with
the address as the same appears upon the registers. In making
out such list said board of registry shall treat as persons sus-
pected of not being qualified voters all persons against whom a
sworn complaint is filed by any voter in the ward or county.
Such complaint shall be, in substance, as follows: "I,......