Clerk and Treasurer shall publish said list in one newspaper
published in Prince George's County once a week for three
successive weeks prior to the first Monday in April for each
year real estate is advertised to be sold for such taxes. Each
piece of real estate so advertised for sale shall bear a charge of
seventy cents to cover the costs of said advertisement and a
charge of twenty-five cents to cover the costs of verifying the
name or names of the owner or owners of such real estate;
provided that where two or more pieces of real estate are owned
by the same owner or owners there shall be one charge of sev-
enty cents and but one charge of twenty-five cents as aforesaid
upon such pieces of real estate, and when real estate has
been sold under this Act and has not been redeemed before the
issuance of the order of publication hereinafter provided, there
shall be an additional seventy cents charged to each piece of
real estate so sold and unredeemed; provided that where two
or more pieces of real estate are owned by the same owner or
owners, there shall be but one charge of seventy cents upon
such pieces of real estate, and these charges shall be included
in the report of sale of the Town Clerk and Treasurer of
Cheverly as a charge upon such real estate.
SEC. 15 (c). The said Town Clerk and Treasurer, at the
time fixed in the advertisement of tax sale hereinabove re-
ferred to, shall attend at a place named in the advertisement
in the Town of Cheverly and offer for sale all real estate so
advertised to the highest bidder, commencing with the first
piece of real estate listed in said advertisement and continuing
to conduct said sale until all of the real estate so advertised
shall have been offered for sale. Said sale shall commence at
ten o'clock A. M. on the first Monday in April of each year
and continue until three o'clock P. M., from day to day, Sun-
days and legal holidays excepted, until all the real estate so
advertised to be sold shall have been offered for sale.
SEC. 15 (d). "No piece of real estate offered at tax sale by
said Town Clerk and Treasurer shall be sold for less than the
total of the taxes, interest, penalties and costs of sale for which
it is liable. If such a bid for the same be not made, it shall
be considered and recorded as sold to the Mayor and Town
Council of Cheverly for the total amount thereof. In such
case it shall remain on the assessment books of the Mayor and
Town Council of Cheverly and be taxed as other property
thereon, but not resold at the succeeding annual tax sale. A