be used, though the old books may be used for reference. All
of the supervisors of election shall sign their names to the
books which contain the names copied from the original
registration books for such polling places and shall duly certify
that said set of books, so copied, contain all of the names and
other entries of persons entitled to vote in such precinct, or sub-
division of any such precinct. Said certificate shall appear on
the blank line or lines next following the last name in each
letter of the alphabetical list of names in the new books so
transcribed and said certificate shall be attested by the clerk to
the Board of Supervisors. The law with respect to notice of
the location of polling places shall apply to those established
under the provisions of this section. It shall be the duty of
the Board of Supervisors to locate the polling places in any one
precinct as close together as possible, so as to minimize any
inconvenience to voters. For services rendered under this
section the Board of Supervisors, its appointees, agents and
employees shall be paid such additional compensation as the
Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick may. provide. All judges
and clerks of election shall be paid the same compensation for
their services as is now, or may hereafter be provided, by the
Public General Laws of Maryland, for the payment of judges
and clerks of election in State and county elections held in
Frederick County, Maryland. All persons whose names have
heretofore or may hereafter appear as qualified voters in the
several precincts of the city, who have or may hereafter move
from the precinct in which they were registered into another
precinct of the city shall not be required to transfer, but shall
be entitled to vote at all municipal elections in the precinct in
which their names appear on the registration books as qualified
voters. The judges and clerks appointed by the Board of
Supervisors shall not be required to appear before the Board
for the purpose of examination, but the Board of Supervisors
before making any such appointments shall thoroughly inform
themselves as to the qualifications of the persons appointed,
provided however that all such judges and clerks of elections
shall qualify before the Board of Supervisors as provided in
this Article. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, to
the extent of such inconsistency.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the imme-