Mary Matilda Kemp and C. Thomas Kemp, her husband, by deed
dated July 29, 1929, and recorded in Liber No. 370, folio 593
etc., one of the Land Records for Frederick County, Maryland,
containing thirteen and eight hundred and forty-eight one-
thousandths (13. 848) acres of land, more or less, be and the
same is hereby ratified and legalized, and that the lease of said
Air Port to the United States of America, dated August 1, 1930?
be and the same is hereby ratified and legalized and that the said
The Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick be and it is hereby
authorized and empowered to equip, maintain, operate and lease
said Air Port as the municipal Air Port of the Corporation of
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and Alder-
men of Frederick is hereby authorized and empowered to issue
and sell serial coupon bonds, of said Municipal Corporation, in
an amount not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars ($35, -
000), par value, and expend the proceeds arising therefrom for
the purpose of paying off the money borrowed by said Municipal
Corporation, for the purchase of said land, now used for a
municipal Air Port, together with the interest thereon, and for
the purpose of equipping and maintaining said Air Port as a
municipal Air Port of the Corporation of Frederick.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and Alder-
men of Frederick is hereby authorized and empowered to pro-
vide by ordinance, or ordinances, at such time or times as it
shall think proper, for the issuance of said bonds, provided that
the total amount of bonds issued under this Act shall not exceed
in the aggregate thirty-five thousand dollars ($35, 000), par
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick is hereby authorized and empowered to
pass all ordinances and to do all things necessary for the issu-
ance of said bonds and their offering for sale under the most
advantageous conditions, which it may think proper, said bonds
to be issued in such manner, for such amounts, to bear such
date, to be payable at such times and to bear such rate of inter-
est as The Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick shall by ordinance,
or ordinances, provide, and said bonds shall be signed by the
Mayor and the seal of the corporation shall be attached thereto,
attested by its City Register.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and
Aldermen of Frederick is hereby authorized and empowered to
sell said bonds by bid upon sealed proposals, to the highest