said; and the said court shall have, and it is hereby given, full
power to reconvene during any May term of said court the grand
jury and petit jury summoned for the preceding February term
thereof, and also to reconvene during any December term of
said court the grand jury summoned for the preceding Septem-
ber term thereof, whenever and as often in each instance, as in
the judgment of said court the public interests may be thereby
subserved; and the said jurors, when so reconvened, shall have
in all respects the same power and authority to act as they
respectively had during the terms for which they were originally
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1931.
Approved March 13, 1931.
AN ACT to ratify and legalize the purchase and lease by The
Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick, a municipal corporation
of the State of Maryland, of two parcels of real estate, situated
in Frederick County, Maryland, now used for a municipal
Air Port, to authorize and empower The Mayor and Aldermen
of Frederick to equip, maintain, operate and lease said Air
Port, and to authorize and empower The Mayor and Aldermen
of Frederick to issue and sell serial coupon bonds, of said
municipal corporation, in an amount not exceeding thirty-
five thousand dollars ($35, 000), par value, and to expend
the proceeds therefrom to pay off the money borrowed, to-
gether with the interest thereon, by said Municipal Corpora-
tion, for the purchase of said land, and for the purpose of
equipping and maintaining the same, and to provide for the
payment of the interest on said bonds and for the payment of
the principal thereof, when the same shall fall due and be-
come payable.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the purchase by The Mayor and Aldermen of Freder-
ick of two parcels of real estate, situated in Frederick County,
Maryland, now used for a municipal Air Port, one conveyed by
Lewis W. Putman and Della R. Putman, his wife, by deed dated
July 29, 1929, and recorded in Liber No. 370, folio 592 etc., one
of the Land Records for Frederick County, Maryland, contain-
ing seventy-eight and five hundred and sixteen one-thousandths
(78. 516) acres of land, more or less, and the other conveyed by