less than one dollar ($1. 00) and not more than ten dollars-
($10. 00), in his discretion, and costs, and said person or per-
sons so found guilty shall stand committed to the Wicomico
County Jail until such fine and costs are paid. All fines im-
posed and collected under the provisions of this Act shall be
paid over not later than the tenth day of each and every month,
by the justice of the peace imposing and collecting the same,
to the said Commissioners for the use of the said town.
94-O. Two Commissioners shall constitiute a. quorum for the
transaction of business. All meetings of the Commissioners
shall be presided over by the president thereof, who shall cast
a vote on all questions pending before the Commissioners. In
the absence of the president the Commissioners in attendance
may appoint one of their number president pro tempore.
94P. The Commissioners shall have full power annually to
assess and collect taxes on all property situated or owned with-
in the corporate limits aforesaid, but the rate of such tax shall
not exceed the sum of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars
of assessed property. The basis for levying the taxes afore-
said shall be the assessed value of such property for State of
Maryland and Wicomico County taxes. The Commissioners,
may assess all new property and all property in said town,
which is not assessed for State and County purposes as afore-
said, and such assessment so made by the said Commissioners
shall be the fair cash value of the property. No part of any
farm lands which are included within the corporate limits
shall be taxed hereunder without the consent of the owners
thereof so long as said farm lands shall be used for agricul-
tural purposes.
94Q. The Commissioners shall determine the rate and levy
taxes annually at their regular meeting on the first Monday in
November, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Such taxes
shall become due and payable on the first day of January next
succeeding such levy and all taxes remaining unpaid after that
date shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per an-
num. 'Not later than December 15th next succeeding such
levy, the Commissioners shall cause to be made out and deliv-
ered to the bailiff an alphabetical list of the taxpayers in said
town, together with the respective sums to be collected from
such persons. The bailiff shall forthwith make diligent efforts
to collect the said taxes, and unless* the same, together with.