of their number as Treasurer. The Secretary shall keep the
minutes of the said Commissioners in a well-bound book, which
book shall be opened to the inspection of anyone interested.
The person designated by the Commissioners as Treasurer
shall give such bond as the Commissioners may deem proper.
The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due the town and he
shall pay out such moneys only on the order of the Commis-
sioners, which^ order shall be recorded on their minutes.
94-1. The said Commissioners shall annually appoint a
Bailiff, and also such under bailiffs as from time to time may
be necessary to preserve the peace and order of the town. The
Bailiff shall attend all meetings of the Board of Commis-
sioners, shall execute all orders of the said Commissioners,,
shall make all collections of moneys due the said town, includ-
ing taxes levied by the town, and shall perform such other
duties as the Commissioners may assign him. Before proceed-
ings to act as such, the Bailiff shall give bond in such amount
as the Commissioners shall deem proper. Not less frequently
than once each week, the Bailiff shall account for and pay over
to the Treasurer all moneys collected or received by him and
belonging to the said town. The Bailiff shall preserve the
peace and good order of the town and he may make arrests and
serve warrants and other legal process within and one mile
beyond the corporate limits of the town, and he is hereby in-
vested with the same power and authority as any constable
under the laws of this State, and he shall be allowed the same
fees as are allowed constables for similar services and said
fees shall be taxed as a part of the costs of any civil or criminal
case out of which such warrants or legal process shall issue.
94J. The said Commissioners may allow the said Bailiff'
such, compensation as to them may seem right and proper.
94K. The Commissioners and the Bailiff of the said town,,
before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall
make and subscribe an oath before some Justice of the Peace
of Wicomico County that they will truly and faithfully to
the best of their abilities, skill and judgment, and without
favor or affection, partiality or prejudice, perform the duties
of their offices, and such oaths shall be recorded among the
minutes of the Commissioners.
94L. The said Commissioners shall determine all questions
arising from or under any election held under this Act, but: