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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1410   View pdf image (33K)
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1410                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 543

any steel traps or other similar device for the purpose of catch-
ing Raccoon or Opossum.

Provided, however, an owner of a dog or dogs, between Octo-
ber 1st and October 20th, both dates inclusive, may be per-
mitted to run or train such dog or dogs on Raccoon or Opossum,
provided an attendant accompanies it or them but in so doing
no person shall be allowed or permitted to carry a gun or fire-
arms of any description, climbers or ax. Be it further pro-
vided that it shall be unlawful to shake or throw out from any
tree or hollow any Raccoon or Opossum between the 31st day
of January and the 31st day of October, inclusive, or have
same in possession dead or alive except live Raccoon or Opos-
sum may be kept in captivity for propagation purposes upon
securing a permit from the State Game Warden.

73. It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt for any
Elk or Deer within the State of Maryland, at any time, pro-
vided, however, it shall be lawful to shoot or kill any male deer
or male elk with two or more points to one antler in Allegany
County, and within any game preserve within Washington
County enclosed by a fence not less than seven feet high, be-
tween the dates of December 1st and December 15th, both
dates inclusive, and in Garrett County between the dates of
December 1st and 3rd, both dates inclusive.

Every person killing an Elk or Deer found in a wild state,
shall, within twenty-four hours, write the State Game Warden,
giving name, address, hunter's license number and county and
location where said elk or deer was killed.

(a) It shall be unlawful to hunt in any manner any Elk or
Deer except through the use of a gun propelling one all-lead
or lead alloy or soft nosed or expanding bullet or ball at a
single discharge, or to take an elk or deer in any manner ex-
cept through the method known as still hunting. It shall be
unlawful for any person at any time to shoot at or kill, or
wound or capture either an Elk or Deer while same is taking
refuge in or swimming through the waters of any stream,
pond or lake. It shall be unlawful for any person to make
use of a dog in hunting Elk or Deer and every person who
takes a dog into the woods, or who has possession or control
of a dog in the woods and uses same for chasing, taking or
killing an Elk or Deer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

It shall be unlawful to set, lay or use any trap, snare, net,
deer lick or pitfall or to make use of any artificial light,


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1410   View pdf image (33K)
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