(Quail), provided an attendant accompanies it or them, but in
so doing, no person shall be allowed or permitted to carry a
gun or fire-arms of any description.
It shall be unlawful for any person to allow any dog or dogs
belonging to them to run at large on other property than that
owned or tenanted by them between March 1st and September
1st, and pursue game or destroy the eggs or nest. Any person
harboring a dog or dogs shall be termed the lawful owner of
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale,
purchase or offer to purchase, barter, exchange or buy at any
time within the State of Maryland, any bob-white or partridge
(quail); Chinese ring-necked pheasant; native pheasant, ruffed
grouse, cotton-tail rabbit, or wild turkey either dead or alive,
whether same are caught or killed within the State of Mary-
land or in any other State, territory or country, except live
game may be purchased and kept in captivity for propagation
purposes only, upon securing a permit from the Game Warden.
(h) Provided, however, nothing contained in this section,
shall prohibit the person lawfully killing a rabbit from selling
same to a consumer in the county where said rabbit was killed
for food; however, same shall not be offered for re-sale, trans-
ported or shipped beyond the confines of said county in which
said rabbit was killed, except as provided in Paragraph A of
Section 22 of Article 99. Provided, however, nothing herein
shall prohibit the sale of rabbits in Baltimore City shipped
into said city from points outside of this State. And be it fur-
ther provided it shall be lawful to ship rabbits during open
season for killing of same out of Garrett County to Baltimore
City for sale.
59. (b) It shall be lawful for any person to hunt any Rac-
coon or Opossum within the State of Maryland, between the
first day of November and the thirty-first day of January,
following, in each and every year, both dates inclusive, except
in Harford County, the open season for Raccoon or Opossum
shall be November 1st to November 30th, inclusive. It shall
be unlawful for any person to hunt any Raccoon or Opossum
between sunrise and sunset. It shall be unlawful to cut a tree
at any time for the purpose of catching, killing or dislodging
a Raccoon or Opossum, unless by consent of owner of said
tree or trees, and no person shall set, place, keep or maintain