Baltimore City a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum,
payable monthly, and shall attend at such times and places and
perform such duties as may be directed by said justice, and
shall be removable by him at his discretion. Whenever any
minor is arrested, he may be taken to such place other than a
station-house, as may be designated by said justice and pro-
vided by the Buildings Engineer or the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore; but, in the absence of such designation, such
minor may be held at a station-house as heretofore until brought
before the justice; and such justice shall commit such minor
to a suitable juvenile institution or other suitable prison, in-
stead of the Baltimore City Jail. The Police Commissioner
for the City of Baltimore shall. designate such members of the
police force to attend such justice and execute his powers and
discretions as may be necessary m the discretion of such
Police Commissioner for the City of Baltimore. The Gov-
ernor shall also appoint, by and with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate, and if the Senate shall not be in session^
by the Governor, from the City of Baltimore at large, an addi-
tional Justice of the Peace who shall be a member of the bar
of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, or the Governor
may select from among the present Justices of the Peace of
Baltimore City, who shall likewise be a member of the bar of
said Supreme Bench, who shall receive from the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore City a salary of two thousand
dollars per annum, payable monthly, and whose jurisdic-
tion and powers shall be the same as those conferred upon the
Magistrate for Juvenile Causes and who shall be designated by
the Governor to sit in said court in the absence by illness or
otherwise and at other times upon the request of and in the
place of or in addition to the said Magistrate for Juvenile
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That three new sections
be and they are hereby added to said Article 4 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1927 and 1930 Editions),
title "City of Baltimore, " sub-title "Delinquent and Dependent
Children, " said now sections to be known as Sections 886-1, -
886J and 886K? to- follow immediately after Section 886H of
said Article, and to read as follows:
3-1. The Magistrate for Juvenile Court Causes is hereby
authorized to appoint a physician, duly licensed as such by
the State of Maryland, to serve during his pleasure, a psychi-