12. That the inspection and brand fees provided for in this
Act shall be paid to the University of Maryland and disbursed
by it to cover the cost of the analysis, inspection, sampling,
printing and for the dissemination of information regarding
the contents and the analysis of fertilizers subject to this Act,
the use and compounding of commercial fertilizers, and the
administration and the enforcement of the provisions of this
Act, and such other expenses as may be incurred in the devel-
opment of the chemical work at the University of Maryland
in relationship to this Act.
13. That the University of Maryland shall have authority
to establish rules and regulations in regard to the inspection,
analysis and sale of fertilizer and fertilizer materials not in-
consistent with the recommendations of the Association of
Official Agricultural Chemists and the publication of all in-
formation pertaining to and authorized by this Act to the end
that the provisions of this Act may be effectively administered
and enforced.
14. That the brand fee as provided in this Act shall not apply
to any fertilizer mixed according to a formula furnished by a
consumer; provided, in lieu of the registration, all packages of
fertilizers shall be plainly marked or tagged on the outside of
the package with the words "Mixed to Order, " together with
a statement thereon of the guaranteed analysis, and in all the
other particulars said mixed fertilizer shall conform to the
provisions of this Act.
15. That if any person, firm or corporation, subject to the
provisions of this Act shall fail to file the statement required
in Section No. 3 herein regarding the tons of fertilizer sold,
and to pay the inspection fee, provided therefor in this
Act, within sixty (60) days after the close of the calendar
year, the same shall subject said person, firm or corporation,
to a penalty, upon conviction, of one hundred dollars, and two
hundred dollars for each subsequent week that said inspection
fee remains unpaid. Prosecution therefor to be entrusted to
State's Attorneys as in the preceding section provided and
brought in the name of the State of Maryland, and the pen-
alty recovered when paid to be turned into the fertilizer fund
of the University of Maryland.