the ownership of said Company, its successors or assigns, of
said bridge and its appurtenances, or based upon the receipt
of said Company, its successors or assigns, of the tolls and
revenues, thereof, it being hereby declared that said property
in the hands of said company, its successors and assigns, and
the holders; of said stock, shall be forever free and exempt from
all of said taxes. The exemption herein provided shall not be
extended, however, directly or indirectly, so as to include any
real or personal property otherwise subject to taxation which
may be owned by said company, its lessees, successors or as-
signs, apart from and in addition to the property hereinabove
specifically exempted from such taxation, but any and all land,
water rights and other real property, and the improvements
thereon, at any time acquired and held by said Company, its
lessees, successors and assigns, apart from and in addition to
said bridge, the ways and approaches thereto, and appurtenant
structures, shall be subject to assessment and taxation for
county and State purposes as other real estate is now or may
hereafter be taxed by law.
64. None of the provisions contained in Sections 153 to
160, inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public General
Laws of this State shall be deemed to- be applicable to said
bridge or to said Company, its successors and assigns with re-
spect thereto.
65. The State Roads Commission shall have the power and
right to regulate the weights of wagons, trucks, road engines,
road rollers, traction engines, threshing machines or other ve-
hicles of any kind passing over any bridges or culverts in-
cluded in the State Roads System and the rate of speed of
such vehicles while passing over' the same by posting and main-
taining conspicuously at both ends of or entrance to said
bridges or culverts signboards with lettering not less than three
inches in height, worded as follows, to wit: "Warning—Weight
not to exceed (here insert numerals) pounds, Speed not to
exceed (here insert numerals) miles per hour, " which shall be
taken to mean that no vehicle of any kind, as above enumerated,
weighing, with or without any load which may be in or upon
the same, more than the number of pounds specified on said
signboard, shall pass or be drawn, driven, propelled or in any
other manner taken over said bridge or culvert, and that no
such vehicle of any kind as above enumerated shall pass or be
draw, n, driven, propelled or in any other manner taken over