AN ACT to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of
Montgomery County to pay to the Montgomery County
Home Demonstration League annually the sum of fourteen
hundred and ninety-five dollars ($1, 495. 00) for the purpose
of paying the salary of the Directress of the said Bureau
and to include the said sum in the annual levy on the taxable
property in Montgomery County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered, in their discretion, to pay annually to the Mont-
gomery County Home Demonstration League the sum of
fourteen hundred and ninety-five dollars ($1, 495. 00) to be
used by the said League for the payment of the salary of its
Directress or person in charge thereof, who shall, in the name
of the League, devote her services to the dissemination of in-
formation throughout the county with respect to matters of
diet and household economics.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
County Commissioners of Montgomery County be and they
are hereby authorized and empowered to include the said sum
of fourteen hundred and ninety-five dollars ($1, 495. 00) in its
annual levy on the taxable property in Montgomery County.
Approved April 6, 1931.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of
Montgomery County to levy the sum of fifteen hundred dol-
lars ($1, 500. 00) per annum upon the taxable property in
Montgomery County and to pay said sum annually to the
Montgomery County Farm Bureau.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County be and they hereby are authorized and empow-