county affected by the provisions of this section may at any time,
with the consent of the County Commissioners of such county,
be delegated by him to one of his assistant engineers, or, if there
be no Roads Engineer of said county, it shall be the duty of
the County Commissioners of said county to appoint some per-
son, preferably an engineer resident in said county, to exercise
such powers and to perform such duties.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That at least thirty days
prior to the beginning of construction work in any county af-
fected by the provisions of this Act, the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall file in the office of the County Commissioners
of such county one or more maps showing the existing public
roads and highways traversing the property acquired or to be
acquired under this Act, which are to be closed, altered, diverted
or relocated, in whole or in part, or. the grades thereof changed;
and also to show all roads or parts of roads which the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore proposes to construct in sub-
stitution for, or to take the place of, any such roads so closed,
obstructed, altered or changed.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore be and it is hereby authorized and em-
powered to pass any and all ordinances not inconsistent with
the terms of this Act, that it may deem advisable for the pur-
pose of fully effectuating the objects of this Act. The Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore is hereby authorized to use any funds
appropriated for extending, enlarging, developing and improv-
ing the municipal water system of Baltimore City to exercise
the powers granted by this Act.
Approved April 10, 1931.
AN ACT to amend Article 16 of the Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Montgomery County, '7 sub-title "Washing-
ton Suburban Sanitary District, '7 by adding one new section
thereto to be designated as Section 1003A, so as to authorize
and direct the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
to supply water without charge to certain charitable institu-
tions in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties under
certain conditions.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 16 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland,