AN. ACT to repeal Chapter 289 of the Acts of 1927, entitled
"An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Balti-
more County to construct water supplies, sewerage and storm
water drainage systems in the Baltimore County Metropoli-
tan District, in whole or in part, by contract or by day labor,
after advertising, in their discretion, or to construct such work
in an amount not in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars
($25, 000) without advertising; and, in their discretion, to
levy annually against all taxable property in said district,
taxes for the payment of all or part of the interest and sink-
ing fund of the bonds issued, or to be issued, by the County
Commissioners, as provided in Chapter 539 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 1924, and to provide for the collection
of said taxes, " and to add a new section to Article 3 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition and
Offutt's Edition of 1928), title "Baltimore County, " sub-title
"Health and Sanitation, " sub-heading "Metropolitan Dis-
trict, " said new section to be known as Section 347A and to
follow immediately after Section 347 of said Article, authoriz-
ing the County Commissioners of Baltimore County to con-
struct water supply, sewerage and/or storm water drainage
systems in the Baltimore County Metropolitan District, in
whole or in part, by contract after advertisement, or in their
discretion to do such work by their own forces upon written
estimates submitted by the Chief Engineer of the Metropoli-
tan District in an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand
dollars $(25, 000) without advertising.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 289 of the Acts of 1927, entitled "An Act
to authorize the County Commissioners of Baltimore County
to construct water supplies, sewerage and storm water drainage
systems in the Baltimore County Metropolitan District, in whole
or in part, by contract or by day labor, after advertisement, in
their discretion, or to construct such work in an amount not in
excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25, 000) without ad-
vertising; and, in their discretion, to levy annually against all
taxable property in said district, taxes for the payment of all
or part of the interest and sinking fund of the bonds issued, or
to be issued, by the County Commissioners, as provided in Chap-
ter 539 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1924, and to
provide for the collection of said taxes, '' be and it is hereby
SEC. 2. And Be it further enacted, That a new section be and
it is hereby added to Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws