works system of said Town of Brunswick), provided for under
any such ordinance or ordinances as may be necessary or proper,
said bonds to be issued in such manner, for such amounts, and
to be payable at such time, and to bear such rate of interest
as the Mayor and Council of Brunswick shall by ordinance
provide. And the Mayor and Council of Brunswick may, in
their discretion, issue serial bonds, which shall be redeemable,
fall clue or mature in series or in installments; and all bonds
issued in pursuance of this Act shall be exempt from State,
county and municipal taxes.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That the said authori-
ties before issuing bonds for any of the said improvements,
shall first, at a special or regular municipal election, submit
to the voters of Brunswick the question whether or not the
said bonds shall be issued, and upon the ballots to be used at
said election there shall be printed or written the words '"For
Water Supply Bonds" and "Against Water Supply Bonds, "
and if a majority of the votes cast upon said question shall be
"For Water Supply Bonds" then the said authorities shall
exercise the power vested in them by this Act and shall issue
the bonds authorized by this Act; but if a majority of the
votes cast upon said question shall be "Against Water Supply
Bonds, " the power shall not be exercised or the bonds issued,
but the said authorities, however, are hereby authorized and
directed to submit the same question to the qualified voters of
the town at the next general election held in said town, or at
a special election to be called by publication of a notice there-
of in a newspaper published or circulated in said town at
least once before the date fixed therefor, which date of publica-
tion shall not be less than fifteen days nor more than
thirty clays preceding the date fixed for the said special
election. Such special election shall be held as are other elec-
tions of the Town of Brunswick, and at such election the
qualified voters of the town shall determine whether or not
the provisions of this Act shall go into effect, and such provi-
sions shall not go into effect until they are approved by receiv-
ing a majority of the votes cast upon said question, and the
authorities may call a special election for submitting the said
question to the qualified voters whenever and so often as in
their judgment they shall deem best, and they shall so submit
the question, or call a special election, whenever and so often
as they shall be petitioned so to do by at least fifty qualified
voters of said town, provided, however, that after the sub-