SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the remaining sum
of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) of the proceeds aris-
ing from the sale of said bonds shall be expended in the en-
larging, repairing and renovating of the Court House of Dor-
Chester County, at Cambridge.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the enlarging, repair-
ing and renovating of the Court House at Cambridge shall be
under the charge, control and supervision of John R. Pattison,
Edward S. Lake, "William N. Andrews, William H. Leonard,
Russell P. Smith, Fred F. Stevens, Samuel Hubbard, V. Calvin
Trice, Elmer J. Reinhard, A. William Murphy, William H.
Hooper, W. Grason Winterbottom and Levi B. Phillips, Sr.,
who are hereby constituted Court House Building Commis-
sion and who shall have the power to fill all vacancies in said
Commission, caused by removal., resignation, or of any other
cause; said -Commission to formally organize within ten days
after this Act goes into effect and who are to be provided by
the Board of County Commissioners with such funds as may be
necessary to employ clerical assistance and for such expenses
as said Board of County Commissioners shall deem necessary
to the proper and proficient performance of the duties of the
said Commission and to adopt plans and make contracts for the
rebuilding, repairing, renovating and enlarging the Court House,
provided that all such plans and contracts shall have the ap-
proval of the Board of County Commissioners of Dorchester
County before being legally effective and binding.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the High School
Building Commission and the Court House Building Commis-
sion created by this Act shall respectively, put out on contract,
requiring the successful bidder or the contractor to whom the
work of the respective Commissions is awarded, to execute a
contract in writing, for the faithful performance of his or their
work and in the said contract or contracts, the said contractor
shall agree, as part of his or their contract, to pay for all mate-
rials1 used in the construction of the same, and shall give bond
for the faithful performance of said contract including the pay-
ment for all labor and material, such bond or bonds to be ap-
proved by the respective Commissions, and said bond or bonds
shall be given to the State of Maryland as obligee, and shall be
subject to suit by the Comrnisisions, or by any laborer on such
building or buildings, or by any person furnishing materials
for the sale, and the contract or contracts for such work shall
be signed in usual form by the respective Commissions.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the funds realized
from the sale of the aforesaid bonds in the sum of one hundred