to have the corporate seal of said Dorchester County affixed
thereto. Said bonds shall mature as follows: Ten thousand dol-
lars at the expiration of ten years from the date of their issu-
ance; twenty thousand dollars at the expiration of twelve years
from, the date of their issuance; twenty thousand dollars at the
expiration of fourteen years from the date of their issuance;
twenty thousand dollars at the expiration of sixteen years from
the date of their issuance; twenty. thousand dollars at the expira-
tion of eighteen years from the date of their issuance; twenty
thousand dollars at the expiration of twenty years from the date
of their issuance; twenty thousand dollars at the expiration of
twenty-two years from the date of. their issuance; twenty thou-
sand dollars at the expiration of twenty-four years from the date
of their issuance; twenty-five thousand dollars at the expiration
of twenty-eight years from the date of their issuance. The said
County Commissioners after the issuance of said bonds, or any
installment therefor as hereinafter specified, shall levy annually
upon the assessable property of said County, a sum sufficient
to meet and pay promptly the interest on the said bonds and
shall likewise levy upon the assessable property of said County,
a sum sufficient to meet the principal of said bonds at their ma-
turity. The said levy for the principal aforesaid to be made in
such year as will enable the said County Commissioners to col-
lect the money necessary for the punctual redemption and pay-
ment of said bonds.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That at such time or times
as said bonds may be issued and sold the said County Commis-
sioners shall advertise said sale in two newspapers published in
Dorchester County aforesaid, and also in a newspaper published
in Baltimore City, if they deem such advertisement advisable,
giving reasonable notice of the time of such sale and inviting:
sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds so to be issued,
with the privilege to the said County Commissioners of rejecting
any and all bids; that. the said bonds shall be exempt from
County and Municipal taxes, and that the said County Commis-
sioners shall keep a record of said bonds in a registry of bonds,
giving the number and date of such bonds and the name or
names of the purchasers and the amounts realized.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That one hundred thousand
dollars ($100, 000) of the proceeds arising from the sale of said
bonds shall be paid over by the County Commissioners to the
Board of Education of Dorchester County, for the following
purposes: (1) thirty thousand dollars ($30, 000) of which is to
be used and expended for the purchasing of land for a public
school site and erection of a new colored High School building
in the town of Cambridge, (2) five thousand dollars ($5, 000) of