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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 999   View pdf image (33K)
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added to Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, (1930 Edition), title "Allegany County, " to be
under sub-title "Non-Profit Hospital Service Plans, " to be
known as Sections 488A to 488J, inclusive, said Sections to
follow immediately after Section 488 of said Article and to
read as follows:

488A. Any corporation heretofore or hereafter organ-
ized under the corporation laws of the State of Maryland
for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating
a non-profit hospital service plan in Allegany County
whereby hospital care may be provided by the said cor-
poration or by a hospital or hospitals with which it has a
contract for such care to such of the public who become
subscribers to such plan under a contract which entitles
each subscriber to certain hospital care shall be governed
by this sub-title and shall be exempt from all other provi-
sions of the Insurance Law of this State unless specifically
designated herein, not only in Governmental relations with
the State but for every other purpose and no additions
hereto enacted shall apply to them unless they be expressly
designated therein.

488B. Persons desiring to form a non-profit hospital
service corporation shall incorporate under the provisions
of Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of the
State of Maryland, and such certificate of incorporation
shall first be presented to the State Insurance Commis-
sioner of Maryland and the Board of State Aid and Char-
ities and said Commissioner and Board shall, upon being
satisfied that the corporation to be organized is organized
for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating
a non-profit hospital service plan, endorse on said certifi-
cate of incorporation their approval thereof.

488C. After the approval of the State Insurance Com-
missioner of Maryland and the Board of State Aid and
Charities shall be endorsed on such certificate of incor-
poration as provided for in Section 488B, it shall then be
approved by the State Tax Commission, and the said State
Tax Commission shall not approve said certificate of in-
corporation until the approval of said Commissioner and
said Board has been endorsed thereon.

488D. Any corporation subject to the provisions of this
sub-title may enter into a contract with any duly qualified
hospital or hospitals for the rendering of hospital service


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 999   View pdf image (33K)
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