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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 993   View pdf image (33K)
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named which may be designated by the central committee
representing the party in which such controversy may
arise. The said treasurer shall immediately after the mak-
ing of the levy, in each year after the passage of this Act,
publish for two successive weeks in said two newspapers
a short notice informing the public generally, that if taxes
are paid on or before the first day of September next
succeeding the date of such notice there will be allowed a
deduction of three per centum from the amount of said
taxes; and that on all taxes not paid on or before the 1st
day of September in each year, interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum will be charged. And the said
treasurer shall immediately after the first day of January
in each year, give a second notice, published as aforesaid,
notifying the public generally that all taxes which are not
paid on or before the first day of February next succeed-
ing the date of such notice, will be collected by advertise-
ment and sale, as provided for by law. Each of the said
newspapers so designated as aforesaid shall be allowed the
sum of ten dollars per annum for publishing the two afore-
said notices.

95. The passage of this Act shall in no way interfere
with the rights and duties of collectors of taxes appointed
under the law in existence previous to the passage of Chap-
ter 199 of the Acts of 1904, and the provisions of Article
81 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title
"Revenue and Taxes, " and all amendments to the same
relating to the duties, compensation or remedies of col-
lectors or proceedings entered against them or their bonds,
except to the extent that it may be repealed by Chapter
199 of the Acts of 1904, and the provisions of this Act,
and this Act shall continue in full force and be applicable,
as far as practicable, to the office of treasurer hereby cre-
ated; provided, however, that all sales made by the treas-
urer as hereinbefore provided, on any one day or series
of days, shall be reported to the Circuit Court for Charles
County for ratification at one time and in one paper, to
be docketed by the court as in one case, after which there
shall be published, in the same newspapers that published
the tax sales, an order nisi, setting forth, in substance,
that unless any of the persons whose lands were sold
(giving the name of delinquents without any description
of property) shall show cause to the contrary with the
time named therein (not less than twenty nor more than
thirty days from date of the first publication), the sale
shall be ratified and confirmed; and said order shall be


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 993   View pdf image (33K)
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