the State of Maryland for the use of the Sacred Heart School
attached to said Church, and the remaining Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000.) to be held by the said Redemptorists of
the State of Maryland, and the income therefrom applied to
'the establishment and maintenance of a scholarship or schol-
arships at any of the colleges under the control and juris-
diction of said Redemptorists of the State of Maryland, the
selection of such college to be in absolute discretion of said
Corporation. Should any of the gifts mentioned in this sec-
tion of my will be declared void for uncertainty as to the
beneficiaries, then I direct that such gifts shall be and be-
come the absolute property of the said Redemptorists of
the State of Maryland, and I request that such body^ cor-
porate use and apply the same in accordance with my wishes
as herein expressed.
(o) To the Jewish Home for Consumptives of Baltimore
City, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.).
(p) To the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association of
Baltimore City, being now the Sinai Hospital of Baltimore,
Incorporated, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.).
(q) To Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore, a Cor-
poration Sole of the State of Maryland, the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.) with the request it be paid by
said Corporation Sole to the Pastor of St. Cecelia's Church
in the City of Baltimore, for the use and benefit of St.
Gecelia's School.
(r) To St. Agnes' Hospital, the sum of Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000).
(s) To St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, the sum of Four
Thousand Dollars ($4,000).
be added by said Grand Lodge to the Masonic Home Fund,
(t) To St. Leo's Orphan Asylum, the sum of Three Thou-
sand Dollars ($2,000).
(u) Gifts, devises and bequests in remainder to Michael
J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore, and his successors, a
corporation sole of the State of Maryland, for the use of the
Bureau of Catholic Charities; St. Anthony's Orphan Asy-
lum; St. Elizabeth's Home; The Little Sisters of the Poor;
St. Joseph's Hospital; St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum;
The Sisters of Mercy; The Jewish Home for Consumptives;
The Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association (Sinai Hos-
pital) ; St. Agnes' Hospital; St. Mary's Orphan Asylum; St.
Leo's Orphan Asylum.
149. To the devises and bequests contained in the last
Will and Testament of William Kennedy Cromwell, late of
Baltimore County, deceased, of record in the office of the