123. To the following bequests contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Protase M. Sigler, deceased, of record
in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 268, one of the record books in the
office of the Register of Wills of Washington County, viz:
(a) To the bequest of Fifty Dollars to Rev. Fr. Rine-
hart, at Saint Mary's Catholic Church (Hagerstown, Md.)-
(b) To the bequest of Fifty Dollars to Brother Nicholas,
at the Franciscan Monastery.
124. To the gift of personal property unto the Zion Re-
formed Church of Hagerstown, Maryland, as contained in
the Last Will and Testament of Laura L. Thornburg, de-
ceased, recorded in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 291, one of the
record books in the office of the Register of Wills of Wash-
ington County.
125. To the following bequests contained in the Last
Will and Testament of David H. Powell, deceased, of record
in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 316, one of the record books in the
office of the Register of Wills of Washington County, viz:
(a) To the bequest of Seven Hundred Dollars to the Trus-
tees of the Broadfording Church of the Brethren of Wash-
ington County, Item 1 of Will.
(b) To the Consistory of the Reformed Church of Mid-
dleburg of State Line, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, be-
quest Eight Hundred Dollars, Item 2 of Will.
(c) To the bequest of Seven Hundred Dollars to the
Church of the Brethren of Hagerstown, Maryland, Item 3
of the Will.
(d) To the bequest of Four Hundred Dollars to the Trus-
tees of the United Brethren Church of Hagerstown, Mary-
land, Item 4 of the Will.
126. To the following bequests contained in the Last
Will and Testament of George A. Reed, deceased, of record
in "Wills" Liber 17, folio 326, one of the record books in the
office of the Register of Wills of Washington County.
(a) To the bequest of Five Hundred Dollars to Saint Au-
gustine Catholic Church of Williamsport, Item 8 of Will.
(b) To the bequest of One Hundred Dollars to the pastor
of Saint Mary's Catholic Church of Hagerstown and Saint
Augustine Catholic Church of Williamsport, Item 9 of Will.
(c) To the bequest of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars to
Father Philip Cullen, Mobile, Alabama, Item 10 of the Will.
127. To the following bequests contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Ann C. Hamilton, deceased, of record