said new sections to be known as Sections 232A and 232B
of said Article, authorizing the County Commissioners to
provide financial assistance to Free Public Libraries and
Volunteer Fire Companies in Harford County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That two new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Harford County," sub-title
"County Commissioners," said new sections to be known
as Sections 232A and 232B, to follow immediately after
Section 232 of said Article and to read as follows :
232A. The County Commissioners of Harford County
are hereby directed to pay to the support of Free Public
Libraries in Harford County, for the purpose of assisting
in the maintenance of such Free Public Libraries, on or
before the first day of March in each year such sum or sums
as the County Commissioners may deem necessary, for the
support and maintenance of any such Free Public Libraries,
not less than the total sum of two hundred dollars
($200.00) for all such Free Public Libraries so assisted, in
any one year, and said County Commissioners shall provide
for and levy in 1935 and annually thereafter, on the as-
sessable property in said County not less than the sum of
two hundred dollars ($200.00) necessary to pay the total
sum of said appropriation or appropriations.
232B. The County Commissioners of Harford County
are hereby directed to pay to the support of Volunteer Fire
Companies in Harford County, and to Volunteer Fire Com-
panies operating in Harford County under working agree-
ments, to wit: the Volunteer Fire Companies in Aberdeen,
Abingdon, Bel Air, Cardiff-Delta, Havre de Grace and Jar-
rettsville, for the purpose of helping in the maintenance of
said Companies fire-fighting apparatus, on or before the
first day of March in each year such sum or sums as the
County Commissioners shall deem proper to pay to any
such Volunteer Fire Company, not less than the sum of
five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for all such fire compa-
nies so assisted in any one year, and the said County Com-
missioners shall provide for and levy in 1935, and annually
thereafter, on the assessable property in said County not
less than the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) nec-
essary to pay the total sum of said appropriation or ap-